Let’s fund security and peace in Armenia together!

Giving to Armenia Peace Initiative is a concrete way to support the sustainability of Armenia. Donations of any amount make our work possible, whether it is to promote peace or to strengthen security.

Endowment funds

Like all organisations recognised as being of public interest, endowment funds can receive endowments, donations and legacies. They are entitled to an income tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of the donations within the limit of 20% of the taxable income for individuals, and to an income or corporate tax reduction equal to 60% of the amount of the donations within the limit of 5 ‰ of the turnover for professionals.

Thanks to your donations, together we can finance security and peace in Armenia.


We provide the utmost transparency and are committed to reporting to you regularly on the use and effectiveness of your donation. Our accounts are audited annually by an independent firm known for its professionalism and integrity. To ensure that donations earmarked for a project are used most effectively, the private endowment of the fund fully covers our operational costs. This ensures that current and future donors can be confident that their money is going exactly where they want it to. With your donations, we can jointly fund security and peace in Armenia.

To enable us to follow up your donation and send you a receipt, please send an email to info@armeniapeace.org with your name, address, date and amount of your donation. If you wish to earmark your donation for a specific project or projects, please let us know.

Thank you very much for your generosity.